Contacting Our Headteacher
Claire Bramley
You can contact our principal, Claire:
Email: Claire@learning4life-gy.co.uk
Phone: 01472 240440
Address: 155-159 Freeman Street, Grimsby, DN32 7AP.
Or by using our online enquiry form using the ‘Contact Us’ section of the website. For urgent matters please follow the guidance at the bottom of the contact us page.
A bit about Claire
Claire Bramley
I’m a proud parent to two young children, and a carer of a furry friend. I have been in education for a plethora of years with a focus on quality education.
I am passionate about what we do at Learning4Life-Gy, and incredily proud of the achievements and changes we have made to our young learners lives.
Learning4Life-Gy strives to provide a safe environment for learners, focusing on respect and being ready for our next steps in life. Something I wholeheartedly agree with.