Welcome to the Learning4Life-Gy Safeguarding Page
Here you will be able to find links to our key Safeguarding policies and guidance, including links to other useful sources of information and advice regarding some of the key issues facing children and young people.
At the bottom of the page are contact details of the school’s Safeguarding team to whom we encourage students, parents or members of the public to report any concerns immediately.
We operate robust safeguarding policies and procedures which includes working closely with parents/carers and a range of organisations and professionals to ensure the young people who attend the school are kept safe and supported appropriately during difficult circumstances.
We are fully committed to the safeguarding of students and to provide them with a safe and secure environment. Any action taken by the safeguarding team is done with reference to statutory guidance, professional advice and will always be in the best interests of the child.
Guidance and Advice
Please click here to read our Child Protection & Safeguarding policy. Use the links below to take you to key safeguarding documents which inform our policy and practice. As a school we are developing key ‘Supporting Students’ policies, these relate to specific issues that we needed particularly protocols and guidance around.
- Learning4Life-Gy’s policy on Bullying
- Learning4Life-Gy’s policy on Positive Behaviour
- Our PSHE Policy
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Young Person’s Guide to Keeping Children Safe
Please click here to view an update from OFSTED regarding the Review into Peer to Peer (now known as Child on Child) Abuse (dated 21 June 2021). We have updated our policies as a result of this report.
Personal Development and Safeguarding
Part of our safeguarding commitment also relates to educating our students about key issues which potentially pose a risk to children and young people. This is primarily done through our PSHE curriculum but also externally delivered workshops and outside speakers. The main aim of all these sessions is to ensure students are able to take care of themselves, and if confronted with an issue, are aware and confident of who can support them and where to go to access that support.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a police and education early information sharing partnership enabling schools to offer immediate support for children and young people experiencing domestic abuse.
Information is shared by the police with a school’s trained Key Adult (DSL) prior to the start of the next school day after officers have attended a domestic abuse incident thus enabling appropriate support to be given, dependent upon the needs and wishes of the child.
Reporting safeguarding concerns
The school’s Safeguarding Officer is Miss Kylie Bramley. She can be contacted by telephone 01472 240440 Ext 203 or via email at:
In her absence please contact the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Louis Meller on 01472 240440 Ext 204 or via email at:
If you ever have any concerns regarding the conduct of a member of staff which may impact on the safeguarding of a particular student, please contact Mr L Meller, Deputy Principal, immediately, at:
You can also access the NELC Font Door service by following the link below: