Wellbeing & Mental Health
Wellbeing & Mental Health
At Learning4Life-Gy we have an extensive pastoral team dedicated to supporting the emotional wellbeing and mental health of our students.
We believe that Mental Health and wellbeing is just as important as English or Maths. That is why we have a whole school approach to making sure all of our staff and students stay Mentally healthy.
Our Principal and Mental health lead attend all of the mental health conferences run by North East Lincolnshire Council to ensure that our practices are up to date and make sure we are up to date with the hot topics with regard to Mental Health. We are an EBBSA (Emotional Based Barriers to School Attendance) aware school and with the use of the ATTEND framework, we work hard to support our students to attend school as we are aware that they may be experiencing emotional barriers.
We offer CPD days to our staff on a termly basis that include key Mental Health themes and have continual training to make sure staff are as up-to-date as possible.
Mental Health is embedded through our curriculum through PSHE/ RSE lessons using the Daisy chain and talk about intervention tools.
Our students are very much involved in decisions made in the school through our ‘Learner voice’, and we celebrate lots of different days like LGBTQ+, Antibullying and Children’s Mental Health Week to promote understanding of Diversity. Also on offer for our students, we have external links with Fortis Therapy and Compass Go, who offer sessions around Mental Health tailored to individual needs.
Mental Health is also closely monitored through learning support logs and emotional support plans. This means that each teacher is proactive in making external referrals or providing in-house support where it is needed to support all learner’s mental well-being.
- Our school’s Designated Mental Health Lead is Miss Kylie Bramley.
- Our Staff can access Mental Health Services through HealthAssured.