School Information
We support inclusive education.
We believe that all educational opportunities should cater for the full range of needs and welcome moves to provide learners with special educational needs and disabilities with full access to the curriculum. Our school will support and make provision for learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)by operating in alignment with the statutory Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice; Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and The Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.
The aims of Learning4life-GY in relation to special educational need and disability are:
- To make reasonable adjustments for those with a disability by taking action to increase access to the curriculum, the environment and to printed information for all.
- To ensure that learners with SEND engage in the activities within the school alongside learners who do not have SEND.
- To reduce barriers to learning.
- To use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for learners for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum, and to better respond to the four broad areas of need.
At Learning4life-GY , we welcome and celebrate diversity and difference. We believe that having high self esteem is crucial to student’s well-being and ensure that all reasonable adjustments are made to the environment, curriculum and timetable to address all students’ needs.
Learning4life-GY use their best endeavours to ensure that teachers and support staff are able to identify and provide support for those students with SEND. Learning4life-GY have high aspiration of and expectations for all students with SEND and focus upon positive progression of students and not just hours of provision or support.
Learning4life-GY are committed to inclusion and the generation of a sense of community, belonging and positive progression in all students.As well as academic progression, Learning4lie-GY are committed to supporting the social, emotional and cognitive development of our students, especially those with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs).
Our key objective is to widen participation in education and skills and support effective transition.In order to achieve this we will:
- Work in partnership with parents/ carers and external agencies who play a fundamental role in enabling young people with SEND to achieve their potential.
- Include the views of students about the support that they would require to engage successfully in education.
- Monitor progress in academic and social, emotional and cognitive development of learners in alignment with EHCP objectives and academic targets.
- Ensure that high quality teaching, learning and assessment is provided to all students.
Learning4life-GY take a graduated approach with regards to the identification, review and monitoring of student’s progress. In particular for those with EHCP’s the four key actions of assess, plan, do, review are undertaken.