
We are delighted that in November 2021, Ofsted inspectors rated Learning4Life-Gy ‘Good’ in all areas.

Ofsted observed that our school’s steadfast commitment to fostering each pupil’s full potential is reflected in our high aims, personalised support for individual aspirations and talents, and our dedicated focus on achieving positive outcomes.  Pupils feel ‘happy and safe’ and parents/carers favour our school’s warmth, ensuring our students become ‘confident young people’.

The inspection report highlighted specific areas of strengths:

Staff know every pupil well. They are alert to pupils’ feelings and emotions. As a result, they ensure that pupils’ social, emotional and mental health needs are supported well. Pupils say they can go to an adult if they have any worries or concerns.
There is a quiet and calm atmosphere around the school. Staff have created a caring and supportive ethos, where pupils learn about and value differences between people.
Relationships between pupils and staff are positive. Staff have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Pupils are respectful towards staff and towards each other.
Pupils say that they feel safe at school. One pupil said that there is no bullying in the school because ‘it would not be tolerated here’.
Pupils have a good understanding of what equality and discrimination mean and they are sensitive to the needs of others.
Students in the sixth form make good progress in learning English as an additional language. The curriculum is well ordered and sequenced.
Staff know pupils so well that they tailor work to pupils’ interests and abilities.

Ready, Respectful, Safe.