
Learning4life-GY support admissions from a range of different sources

i.e. direct referrals from parents/ carers/ trusted adults; from the Local Authority; or directly from local mainstream schools.

The information provided by each may differ in accordance with the referring partners process, for example:

  • For learners aged 14-19 year old with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs), the referral is generally a direct result of the EHCP review process and Learning4life-GY being consulted with to assess the extent to which the school can meet the needs of each individual learner, or via parents/ carers who may be interested in finding out more about the school when making decisions about transition.
  • For learners 14-19 year old who are unaccompanied asylum seeking children, the referral process comes directly from the social care professionals working with each learner shortly after entry to the UK.
  • For learners who are 14-16 year old without an EHCP, referrals are supplied by a range of professionals including the Local Authority virtual head or as a direct result of collaborative working with local mainstream schools.

In all cases Learning4life-GY ensure that thorough steps are taken to gather as much information about the learner as possible, so as to enable a successful transition into our school. For example, Learning4life-GY may undertake visits to the learners home or current setting; will organise school visits and transition days; and collaboratively design My Plans through discussions with parents, carers and trusted adults.

All staff at Learning4life-GY are dedicated to ensuring each learner is on the right course, at the right level, in the right group, with the righ support and as such will support referrals to alternative providers if Learning4life-GY are unable to meet the individual needs of the learner. For every learner therefore, initial assessment meetings are undertaken, taking a multi-agency approach in nearly all cases, to agree the most suitable educational package that will lead to positive progress of learners. Following on from this, authorisation from the relevant Local Authority assessment panel (i.e. Fair Access Panel, SENAG) is then sought prior to placement at Learning4life-GY.

At Learning4life-GY , we welcome and celebrate diversity and difference. We believe that having high self esteem is crucial to student’s well-being and ensure that all reasonable adjustments are made to the environment, curriculum and timetable to address all students’ needs.

Learning4life-GY use their best endeavours to ensure that teachers and support staff are able to identify and provide support for those students with SEND. Learning4life-GY have high aspiration of and expectations for all students with SEND and focus upon positive progression of students and not just hours of provision or support.

Learning4life-GY are committed to inclusion and the generation of a sense of community, belonging and positive progression in all students.As well as academic progression, Learning4lie-GY are committed to supporting the social, emotional and cognitive development of our students, especially those with Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs).

Our key objective is to widen participation in education and skills and support effective transition.

In order to achieve this we will:

  • Work in partnership with parents/ carers and external agencies who play a fundamental role in enabling young people with SEND to achieve their potential.
  • Include the views of students about the support that they would require to engage successfully in education.
  • Monitor progress in academic and social, emotional and cognitive development of learners in alignment with EHCP objectives and academic targets.
  • Ensure that high quality teaching, learning and assessment is provided to all students.

Learning4life-GY take a graduated approach with regards to the identification, review and monitoring of student’s progress. In particular for those with EHCP’s the four key actions of assess, plan, do, review are undertaken. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us using the contact page located in the navigation bar.

Ready, Respectful, Safe.