Mission Statement
To provide high-quality, individualised and culturally inclusive ‘Stepping-Stone’ education to the most deprived, disadvantaged, and marginalised groups in North-East Lincolnshire.
The core values of Ready, Respectful and Safe are successful when being used to guide how we treat ourselves and the people around us.
Whole School Curriculum Intent (Ethos)
This is not the same as always agreeing with views and opinions but involves challenging them in a respectful way. We expect all students within Learning4Life-GY to show respect to their peers and to all around them. While respect may be enhanced by personal knowledge, in Learning4Life-GY we expect our students automatically to show respect to others whether they know them or not. No one should be treated dismissively or rudely.
Being ready also applies to everyone. Learners should be committed to their programme and demonstrate this through their work in class and in assignments. They should be ready and open to learning in all of the learning environments that they experience whilst at Learning4Life-GY.
Co-operation exists between learners and staff. In class and around Learning4Life-GY, students and staff will work together to successfully achieve qualifications and learning outcomes. Therefore, the three core values of Ready, Respectful and Safe apply to everyone within Learning4Life-GY – staff and students alike.
All those within Learning4Life-GY should expect the Directors to provide a safe and pleasant place; this precludes rude, threatening or abusive behaviour and language.
Everyone has the right to feel happy, safe and cared for, therefore we expect that all individuals within Learning4Life-GY behave in a mature and sensible way. Everyone has the right to learn.